
myavatarJournajunkie is a blog about all things journalism. My name is Marsha Ducey, and I am a journalism professor, an old-school print news woman who is diving into the world of convergence journalism and loving every — well, almost every — minute of it.

I welcome your comments and look forward to exploring this new world where “stop the presses!” seems to have very little reality any more.

7 responses to “About

  1. Like your blog! I’m actually in the process of launching a journalism blog (on my own — not with the paper.) I’ll let you know when it’s active.

    I also have a person blog that I don’t tell many folks about. Check it out at http://www.bitchymommyblog.com.

    By the way, love wordpress as a platform!

  2. Thanks, Gina! I look forward to seeing both of your blogs.

  3. Followed you here from Gina’s blog. I look forward to reading more of your stuff!

  4. Thank you, and welcome! I just checked out your blog and am going to follow it. It’s great! I look forward to sharing your tips and finds with my journalism students.

  5. Thanks! I’m a UB grad, you know. Wrote two cover stories for Artvoice while I was there. I miss Mighty Taco!

  6. Hi, Professor Ducey! I thought I would let you know that ever since taking your class I’ve been hooked on exploring some blogs of interest. Tonight I finally decided to jump in! Hopefully this time I’ll keep it up. 🙂

    Hope you’re doing well!


  7. Emily, that is great! I’m happy to hear this. Please keep in touch!

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